Thanks For Playing, But ....
Well didn't Andra just make BMB all about her last night? "America will think I'm an asshole." Um, too late. Brian was totally edited as the red-herring straight guy; I'm still going against conventional wisdom and saying it's Wes.
Anybody else noticed the really bad continuity/editing gaffs during when getting-more-annoying-by-the minute James told her about the "twist"?
Memo to Kyan: Could you pop over to Palm Springs on one of your Tonight Show visits and help Andra with her color? It's getting pretty bad.
One more week and then I'm on methadone maintenance for this ridiculous addiction.
Alison: (and I paraphrase) It's a nice dress, but for Jun? Maybe they're trying to cover her up. That Jun needs to go on the Weight Watchers, and that Ali, she just needs to go.
Just got a call from a headhunter for a sweet job with amazing comp. In Baltimore. Next.
There's a little fete across the river tonight, and I could so use a pre-Ptown party. Thanks to you for the invite, and rumor has it I get to meet you, which I'm very much looking forward to.
Back to the grindstone.