Birthdays Aplenty
Today's my friend B.'s 61st birthday. He's in from Cincinnati, staying with us for the weekend. Tonight we're going to see his favorite play, Long Day's Journey to A Curtain Call Into Night. It's his first trip to Manhattan since the late seventies. It's pretty much the same city, except now 42nd Street is a Disney store.
And Lucky Girl L. is having a birthday soiree as well, out in her new Meadowwood digs. Alas, regrets were sent as we other otherwise engaged at the Plymouth Theater.
Wednesday is my mom's birthday. Have no idea what to get her, but I best get on the ball and get something wrapped and shipped. Any suggestions?
Speaking of Virgos, only 3 weeks till this one gets another candle stuck in his cake. No, that's not a euphemism.
It's the most beautiful day today. Almost gorgeous enough to make one forget that during a festive dinner party last night, the radiator in the middle room sprung a leak and now the Oriental rug is all stained, the hardwood floors are buckling and the super still hasn't showed up to give us his expert opinion. "Um, looks like there's a leak."
Oh well. I'm heading out to walk in the sunshine, look at the amazing blue skies and revel in the low humidity as I search of several birthday gifts. Hell, it's so pretty I just might even skip.
Wish me luck.