Went to Therapy last night.
Went to Therapy last night. It's a great space, and the food's good too. And Adam is ... well, meow.
Now that nobody's smoking (inside), I've noticed there's a curious new aroma wafting around our local watering holes. Cologne. Lots of it. If I choked on Obsession once last night, I did it it 100 times. And a host of others, all competing for olafactory awareness. Girls, please ... if you must wear your favorite scent, a little dab'lll do you.
Came into the office this morning to pretend I'm on Ritalin and focus focus focus. I have 5-6 projects I've fallen way behind on and this is the weekend to catch up, clean up and move forward. No t.v., no naps on the sofa, no blogs, no Friendster, no surfing, just knocking out the backlog so I can be on top of things come Monday.
I've got a stack of CDs, 2 liters of Diet Coke and a list of projects on the white board.
This is me diving into the pool of work.
*holds nose*
*takes a deep breath*