Ran into Crickett on the
Ran into Crickett on the way home, who reminded me that Connie Cat and June Bug are in the city that care forgot, getting ready to host the Trailer Park Beauty Pageant. Ah, good times at Good Friends. I was a "celebrity" judge last year and would that I could be there again for the festivities. If you or you or you stop by the pageant, please tell Connie and June "meow" from Bea Movie.
Sent Crickett off to work and sauntered over to his bar for a couple beers, the best potato skins this side of the Atkins Diet and awfully good conversation with Miss Ruth Dickey. World traveleing fashionista C.B. showed up after a bit and regaled us with gifts from Milan. For those keeping score, we're pleased to note the author/pubkeep (as well as several patrons) is still smokin'. And the half king doesn't look half bad doing it.