Have tickets to Bexley, (OH)
Have tickets to Bexley, (OH) ! tonight -- curtain's in an hour or so and I just am so unmotivated to go. Larry's stuck in the Condo Meeting from Hell and none of the usual suspects seem interested in a one-woman show about growing up in suburban small town Ohio. Imagine that.
Don't really feel like going home and waiting for the CMfH be over. Could I possibly have the unexpected hat trick of good nights out in the city? If only it weren't so blasted cold.
What ever happened to seeing a play for the sake of seeing a play? For having a random NY night out? Perhaps I'll toss on a coat and take young Phil's advice, "see the play...then if it isn't good...drink to ease the pain! ! !" Ah, I raised him so very well.
Off I go ... this is me, living on the edge.