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The Gift of Giving

From Connie ...

Dear All,

I don't normally make a habit of forwarding charity e-mails, but this
seemed to be a particularly good cause. I know it touched me personally. Particularly at this time of year.

Mute Tourettes Syndrome has long been in the shadow of its more famous sister-disease, 'Tourettes Syndrome', and although much rarer, is even more tragic in its consequences.

While a child suffering from Tourettes has difficulty in containing its anger and frustration, a child with Mute Tourettes suffers the opposite fate, and is unable to express their true feelings.

There is, however, an answer. A great deal has been achieved by the Mute Tourettes Foundation using new art therapy techniques. However, their work can only continue with your help. Just £1.37p will keep a child supplied with crayons for a whole day. £5 will provide them with enough paper for a week.

Please give what you can to help this deserving cause.

(see attached).