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I Need my Wick Waxed

All work and no play makes ... no, that's not it. Tons of work and too much play makes Bob a tired uncle. This weekend was not quite the bacchanalia of the one prior, but there were some late nights nevertheless. Yesterday, however, was as dry as the finest Pouilly-Fuissé.

And yet I feel like it's a terrible Tuesday. In fact, I felt like that yesterday. A little blah, a lot tired, a trifle crabby. Like I just want to sleep for a week. It's not that I've been burning my candle at both ends (naaaaah), I'm just afraid that soon there'll be no wick left to burn.

And so, tonight it's back to yoga. Nothing crazy like last year (yet). A nice moving meditation, a little chanting ... time to recenter and recharge. Tomorrow, maybe I'll run. Or lift a little weight. Or think about losing some of the weight I've put on.

I hope downward dog doesn't make me cry. Or pass out.

Baby steps.
