It Keeps You Running
The lottery results are in.
Sadly, Larry's number didn't get drawn, so we don't get to share the fun of long, boring training runs, race day excitement, peeing off the Veriand post-race crippledom. If anyvbody knows a way to get the double-secret post-lottery entry, I'm sure we can make it worth your while.
Despite the prospect of running solo and Larry's disappointment, I'm psyched. My goal this year is to beat 4:30. That's slicing a half-hour off my finishing time in Chicago 2002, or getting to just about a 10-minute mile marathon pace. In Chicago I ran an 11:13 pace. My last race time gives me a predicted 11:02 pace for the marathon.
Yikes. That's still taking a minute a mile off my current pace
Mama's got some training to do. But there's plenty of time to do it.
In the meantime, maybe I should press my luck and buy a real lottery ticket.