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I Believe I Can Fly

I want to do this.

Larry's flown to London and is settling into work there for the rest of the week. I just got off the phone with him, dictating a shortlist of neighborhoods to explore. If any of you London lads are reading and wish to welcome him to our new hometown the UK, give a shout and I'll send you his contact info. And keep him out of CXR. He's a classy one.

The vacation boy has opted for New York over Athens and arrives later today. Your votes do count. Remember that in November.

Plans for the rest of the week are still in the air, but there will definitely be time off from work. Yay.

His ex wandered into XES (is that excess or exes? we'll we know what it was last night) during a West Side Story viewing. Way. Too. Cute.

After the ex left, the bartender came over and said, "Talk about your six degrees of separation."

Actually, sweetie, that was only two degrees. I hate it when they can't count.