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And We're Back (for now)

16 days, 7 plane rides, 4 hotels, and 4 countries later (I guess we count Texas as its own country), I'm back on New York soil pavement. And last night I slept in my own bed. No room service, but it was certainly nice to be home.

I had the dubious honor of being compared to a celebrity over the weekend. I was in a local Houston bar and this guy was chatting me up and said, "Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Ed Begley Jr.?"

And thank you for playing ... we'll move on now.

Went to the most beautiful wedding Saturday evening. Short, sweet, a little quirky and so full of joy. Details later.

And, I guess the big news is the move is pushing forward, and it's going to happen fairly quickly. L's papers are in the works and they want him there for November 1. I'm following right behind, as soon as I can get my paperwork done. I still don't believe it's real ... but it looks like we'll have a London mailing address by the end of November.

I'm excited and nervous and a little overwhelmed. But it'll all be good. Won't it?