Wicked Little Town
Saw Hediwg last night (and for those keeping score at home, on Tuesday night as well). A ninety minute concert that celebrates your inner freak. I love it.
David Bedella dons the wigs this time. I developed a theater crush on him last year, when I saw him as the devil in Jerry Springer the Opera. He's an amazing performer. His is a is a kinder, gentler Hedwig; a bit more glamourout than haggard ... especially at the beginning. But all in, it was a great show. Good enough to see twice in a week.
On Tuesday night, I sat between Larry and Clay Aiken (or at least his doppelgänger), who sang right along with me for the whole show (Clay, not Larry). Last night, I tried to round up a posse, but only one taker was around, so Mar is now indoctrinated and should be receving his own Wig in a Box shortly. Apparently it never made it to Americana. Kind of a fun show to see when you have no expectations.
I remember when it was closing in NY, I made my sister come see it. "I'm sending you a plane ticket ... you have to see this show." Good times.
It's amazing to me that it's only running for 2 weeks. Must be a labor of love for the producers, that's a lot of work to put something up for such a short run. Perhaps it's they're getting their toes wet to see if they could extend it in a longer run. Or maybe it's a tax write-off. Now that Mr. Bedella has an Oliver, I'd hope he could do better than play to a tiny house on a dancefloor of a nightclub, but whereever he plays next, I'll do my best to see him.
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In other news ... Happy Canada Day to all those lumberjacks, beavers, moose, and Mounties out there. We will be at The Maple Leaf later on this afternoon to celebrate. Mmmmm Molson.
Tomorrow is some concert (wear white) that people can't afford to go to, a parade of the gays (wear nothing), and a festival of shame(wear black). Fun for the whole city.