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My First 10k

Hit 10,000 words this morning in the nano project. 1/5 of the way done, and should easily knock out another couple thousand today. Unless I get distracted and venture out into the cold, blustery day for something silly like food.

Movers come tomorrow to start packing up M2. We should be mostly settled in the new place by Tuesday night.

So in my marathon of writing today, I'm reminded that a year ago I chased Larry around Manhattan (and Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx) while he pounded through his 26.2 miles of city pavement. By the end of the day, I felt like I'd run the marathon.

We should find out in the next couple months if our entries to the Flora are accepted. I'm ready to run another one. Or at least I could be come April.

Happy running to anybody in New York today. And happy writing to any of Wrimos out there.