Bah Humbug, No That's Too Strong
Hear ye, hear ye. The season has officially begun. I just heard Christmas Wrapping for the first time of the season.
24 years later ( can that be true?) and those silly saxophones still make want to dance around the house. And maybe stuff a stocking ... or something.
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, I wouldn't miss this one this year.
We bought ornaments and lights for the tree last weekend (silver and red theme this year, multi-colored lights). This weekend we get our first English Christmas tree. I'm so hoping it comes with a nice Dickensian ghost.
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In other news, Christmas came early for Mr. Starling last night. Maybe he can find a new shed, turn it into a sleigh, rebuild it with a chimney and drop his check inside.
Turns out there are other ways to get big paydays besides "research-driven" art. You can try to kill yourself, and then hope that the ambulance gets there too late to save you, which means you'll have brain damage and can sue for $4.8million.
That's what she did.
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Because you care about my new life as a baker, I can modestly report that my bread turned out fab.u.lous.
Come on over for a fresh, hot, chewy slice. I'll even toast it and melt some butter on it for you.