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Jesus Keeps on Weeping

Just got home from Kiki and Herb's Jesus Wept, A Christmas Concert.

About 3/4 through the show I found myself thinking, "this should be edgier."

And then I thought about all the things I'd learned so far that night ...

1. The cow on Herb's piano, Daisy, was at the birth of Christ and ate his (not Herb's) afterbirth, thus becoming eternal.

2. Kiki and Herb, then known as Naomi and Ishkabibel (sp?), were also at the blessed event (where the wise men brought frankincense and moooo-yrr). And after the shepards got to flocking, and Joseph and Mary got to doing what they'd been waiting so long to do, K&H found themselves a bit peckish and milked the cow (before she'd passed her evening meal), and by drinking said milk, also became immortal.

3. That's why, even though they tried to die for us at Carnegie Hall lo those 13 months ago, they are still alive. Kiki and Herb will live forever.

4. Until Kenny and Justin decide otherwise.

5 Justin's had some vocal training (or has cut down on the fags ... only one during the whole show). Really ... just the one. But we've got the Hemel Hamsted smoke everywhere, so who needs to light up?

6. Kenny is still genius.

7. Herb's solo of Little Drummer Boy turning into The Cure's Boy's Don't Cry leading into Kiki singing Kate Bush's This Woman's Work was in.spi.red.

8. Planning ahead and buying tickets months ago pays off in very good seats at the Queen Elizabeth Hall.

9. The set consisted of Kiki's "perfect Christmas tree" --- a pyramid of oil barrels, topped by a giant star with a blobby baby Jesus on top. All silver glitter. She says to the audience, "I don't need to explain symbolism to you."\

10. Apparently in the States, there is a "war against Christmas" and it's the end of the world ... so drink up.

Hmm, Baba Jesu's afterbirth eaten by a heretofore unknown immortal bovine ... and I was hoping for edgy. Stupid, stupid Bobby.

Y'all missed a great show. It plays again tomorrow. If you're near London, kill a fatted calf for a ticket. It's bound to come back to life.

Some things just won't die.