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Hunting Heads

See, the thing about London is that street names change every block or so. And a street can be very different from a road or a lane or a square.

I had a headhunter interview this morning at 33 Sloane Square. Woke up pretty early this morning and went for a nice run through Hyde and Green Parks. Came back home, double-checked my directions on the Journey Planner to see what was the fastest easiest route. Gave myself an extra 20 minutes, because the only thing that irks me more than people being late is being late myself.

Get to Sloane Square, and can't find 33 anywhere. Asked directions, nobody could help. It's now 5 till 11 and I'm a little panicky. Just as I'm getting ready to call the office, my phone rings and it's the headhunter.

I tell him I'm on the square and can't seem to find #33. "What's the closest landmark?"

"Oh, well we're on Sloane Street, so you're about a 10-minute walk towards Knightsbridge."

"I'm so sorry," I say, knowing he's already rescheduled me because he needs to be in the soulless Canary Wharf in less than 2 hours.

He assures me it's no problem, but still ...

One of my branding facts is that 90% of first impressions are made in the first 10 seconds. My first impression is that I'm a dolt who can't get proper directions and arrive on time to an interview. Surely I'm qualified to be a senior executive. Well, on the other hand,considering some of the senior execs I've worked with the past couple years, I'm right on par.

Memo to self: double check addresses (and what kind of road/lane/mews it is) and get exact directions.

So the meeting went well. It's like meeting a casting director for the first time ... you know nothing's gonna come of it, but they might send you out for an audition in a month or so. They might not. You go, have a chat, do a little dance, and let it go.

Kate my psyhcic job search buddy tells me that there are four basic ways that people get jobs:

1. advertisements
2. headhunters / recruiters
3. personal contacts
4. speculative

Of all jobs placed in recent years, how do you think the percentages break down based on the above categories?

70% of jobs placed come from below the line.

I don't have my notes from her handy, but I think it breaks down like this

1. advertisements = 15
2. headhunters / recruiters = 5
3. personal contacts = 60
4. speculative = 10

So as good as it is to have the headhunters in your court, one really shouldn't be investing more than 5 (no more than 15, according to Kate) percent of one's time with them.

So really a job search is all about personal contacts. 75% of those placements don't come from your immediate network, but from a friend of a friend.

Who do you know someone who knows of someone who might be looking for a branding / marketing comms guru?

It's all about the networking.