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Working the Network

I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that there are gay men who don't know about Once on this Island. The Last Five Years is understandable, as it's a trifle obscure. But still. Maybe I've found my purpose: interoducing lesser-known musical theater to the heretofore unenlightened.

:: :: ::

I think I might be doing this networking thing backwards. I'm meeting some lovely people, but I end up trying to help them out instead of me getting a job lead. But karma is a boomerang, so if anybody has leads on the following, give a shout ...

  1. A French tutor* (one who just doesn't "show up to take the money") for the most lovely 12-year old girl. She is the sweetest thing, and mama's pushing her very hard.

  2. Any contacts for a charming soon-to-be MBA who's looking to meet people who might be able to become a London-based equity analyst (preferably buy-side, but he wouldn't turn his nose up at sell-side).

  3. An affordable double bedroom for let, somewhere within Zones 1-3, with quiet and reasonably stable flatmates. And by affordable this prospective tenant mean cheap. A house-sit would be better (you know, mind the dogs and plants for free room), but beggars can't be choosers.

Oh yeah, and let's not forget I'm still in the market for a branding/marketing comms gig. HSMP application and back-up documentation went off to the lawyers yesterday. Hopefully I'll be legal for new work soon.

In the meantime, back to our regularly scheduled network programming.

* One who tutors French classes, not necessarily hailing from across the Chunnel.