Get Outta Town
Apparently there is life outside these here city walls (or at least what’s left of them).
Rather than the weekly muddle about the house with coffee and Sunday papers, we lived on the edge yesterday. We bought lattes and broadsheets at Paddington Station, and then enjoyed them on a peaceful train journey to Oxford.
I thought it was beautiful. Larry found it "pretty cute, but there’s not enough concrete, people, buses, etc.”
I'm taking a shine to the idea of a train ride out of town, even if it’s just for a lunch. I can read and write on the train, then do some exploring. Might as well enjoy it while I have the time, eh? Maybe I'll even get all crazy and take my bike on the train. Traveling with my own transport ... madness.
The other option is to rent Season 5 of West Wing and watch it over a 2-day marathon. Not like I did that with Season 4 last week. Nope, not me. How can I get Aaron Sorken to write my day-to-day existence?
Any day trip suggestions? Heck ... I could even be tempted to do an overnighter.