International Friday
Had lunch at my new favorite, Mestizo, which was lovely. The carnitas were perfect. The margaritas were on the mark and the aņejo was worth its weight in oro. Venue was Peter's idea. Nice tequila was mine.
We skipped coffee there, opting for mint tea and an apple hookah/shisha/nargeela (po tay to, po tah to) in Soho. Such a civilized way to smoke through an afternoon. Edward suggested the water pipe .... well, actually he suggested a cherry-flavored hooker, but we made do.
The joys of a democratic collective ... Brits, Canadians and Americans all coming together to sample the goods of our fellow mankind.
Perhaps we'll find an Argentine gymnast for a late dinner/dessert.
And now, after a brief respite, we head off for after-work pints with those poor sods who work.
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Oh, and the BBC assures us that Euan Blair only had gas. Surgery is not required.