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Show Me, Show Me, Show Me, How You Do that Trick


At some point last week, someone came up with the idea to have '80s-themed snacks for tonight's meeting of the salon drinks at ours.

I have no idea what that means.

But I do know that I've just purchased Singstar '80s. So if nothing else, people can sing along to Blondie, Belinda Carlisle, Katrina and the Waves, and/or Kate Bush.

My prediction: everyone will bitch and moan and say there's no way they will sing into a PlayStation microphone. Then there will be drinking. Then there will be complaints from the neighbors.

See, the game scores your performance. And I have competitive friends.

Heaven is a place on earth, and we're all running up the hill before we walk on sunshine.

Whoo hoooo.

Oh, I've got Twister as well (but that's kind of '70s, eh?).