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Breathing in the Big Smoke

Even after I lived in New York for a decade, every now and again I'd catch a glimpse of the Empire State or Chrysler Buildings and be struck by the fact that not only was I *in* NY, but I actually lived there.

So tonight, it's Friday evening and I'm watching Jonathan Ross interview Sophie Anderton*, rolling my eyes at her vapidity ("I once ate so many donuts"), and waiting to watch Wossy interview Brenda Blethyn**.

And it all just sort of seems normal.

And during all this I just realized, hey ... I live in London.

* Who? She was on "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here" -- her cause célèbre seems to be a 10-year cocaine addiction, getting paid to have sex and a second-rate modeling career.

** Who I totally want to have a long lunch with, including several bottles of wine.