In Which We Plug Bird-Like Chirpy Noises
This is my new favorite toy. Twitter, it's called. It's like a mini-blog, just check in and, in 155 characters or less, say what you're doing. You can do it from IM or your mobile (or your Treo) as well, so it's a lovely way to pass the time. Jolly good fun.
Couldn't sleep for all the Big Gulps in Britneyland last night. Dunno what caused that, but I'm dragging today. Big blonde bouffant, red sparkly mini-skirt, green leggings, and a green cowl neck. It's a look -- sorta like the Jolly Green Giant's tranny hooker little sister. 'Tis the season. Sensible shoes, though. Might do some walking after my lunch date at the Chelsea Arts Club.
And one more thing ... is it so wrong to toss a couple shots of vodka into your Alka-Seltzer Plus?