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Bridge Club, Book Club, Running Club ... Life Club

As many of you know, I've been attending Life Clubs for several months now, and they've been great.

I've gone through the training, and am psyched to announce that I'll be starting up my own set of workshops on Tuesday nights, from 7:00-8:30pm here at the flat. They begin 16 Jan. If you'd like directions, give a shout.

The least you need to know ...

  • www.lifeclubs.co.uk

  • Weekly workshops that are fun, help you focus, and move you forward towards your ideal life

  • £15 a pop, or buy 4 and get a 5th one on us; cheaper than a film and popcorn in Central London (and probably more entertaining)

  • Each session is different, dynamic and interactive

  • Come to one and have a laugh. If you hate it, I'll buy you a drink and give you your money back

  • They're a great way to start the New Year

  • Please forward this to any friends you might be interested

Also, if you're interested but don't find Marylebone convenient, there are any number of other locations in London and throughout the UK.

That sounds interesting, Bob, but I'd like to know more.

Okay then … the unofficial FAQ after the jump.

Just what is a Life Club?

It's a weekly 90-minute meeting where like-minded people get together, take a snapshot of their life, examine their achievements, and then focus on and create simple goals on that session's topic (eg, De-stressing, Maximizing Your Time, Getting Motivated, Embracing Change). I haven't had a bad one yet, and I usually have a good laugh.

How many sessions are there?

Right now there are 30 topics, with 20 more being created. There's little chance you'll be repeating topics, but even if you do it will be with a different dynamic and perspective. With training and other workshops, I've been through a couple topics 4 times now … each workshop is always a little different.

Who creates the topics?

Nina Grunfeld is the founder of Life Clubs. She is the author of several books, including The Big Book of Me and the hot-off-the-press The Big Book of Us. You may have seen her weekly column in The Daily Telegraph, where's she's been their self-help guru for some time now. She's also been published in several magazines, including "Men's Health", "Cosmopolitan", and "Psychologies."

I met Nina a few months ago after buying The Big Book of Me. I enjoyed the book and was interested in her idea of the workshops. Ireally clicked with her, the material, and the people she's attracted. I'm now working on a business plan for Corporate Life Clubs (if you have corporate contacts who might be interested, call me!) as well as starting my own Tuesday night sessions. It's good stuff.

Do I have to attend every week?

No. Just come when you can. You do get a groovy present (to show the boss and kids) for every 5 you come to. And, of course, the more you come the better you'll feel.

Is this some kind of freakish cult?

No, but the Scientology center is just down the road, if that's what you're looking for. Tell Mr. Cruise I said hey.

Is this some kind of group therapy?

Nope, sorry. As many of you probably know, I've been there, done that – and this isn't like that at all. It's a simple guided check-in with pre-tested topics and questions. Each workshop is geared so that you decided what part of your world you want to work on, so everybody in the group comes away with a their own individual outcomes.

I've worked through about half of the topics, and seen the rest. There's always something where I get a fresh insight. Sometimes profound, sometimes notsomuch … but often it's the little flashes of "ah ha!" that move you in the right direction. At least that's how it's been for me.

Therapy's all about looking backwards and trying to fix things. Life Clubs aren't about being broken … they're about figuring out where you want to be and finding tools to get there.

Do I have to bare embarrassing secrets to the group?

Not at all. 90% of the time, you're working with a partner, and that partner will most likely be someone you don't know. You only talk to the whole group if you choose to and it's not about uncovering "what's wrong" or delving into your dirty little secrets. (see above re: therapy)

Everything's confidential. Unlike the rest of London, there's no CCTV at my place, and what happens at Life Club stays at Life Club.

Nina based the one-on-one concept around her hitchhiking travels in the 70s. I love this. "You'd just get in the car with people you didn't know and tell them things. There's a certain comfort in talking to strangers," she says. I've found this to be very true. Except when I start chatting up strangers on the Tube and they look at me like I'm next in line to be sectioned … but that's a different story.

Bonus – I bet none of you know any of my hitchhiking stories. Come to a club and I'll tell you one afterwards.

Nina sounds like a trip -- hitchhiker turned author turned "Telegraph" guru. Can I meet her?

Of course, she'd love it. Let me know and I'll put you in touch with her, or contact her via www.lifeclubs.co.uk
She's also running my Jan 30 workshop, so come then to see her in action.

What do other people think about them?

Recent comments from Life Club attendees include:

'I was dreading having to confess everything, but it's not like that'

'I didn't know what to expect, but I certainly didn't think it was going to be this much fun'

'It's been great being this honest, getting stuff off my chest and learning about myself'

I still have questions.

Call me or drop me an email (bob@[NOSPAM]lifeclubs.co.uk)

We now return to our regularly scheduled blogging.