Red Prose Day
I'm very excited and more than a little surprised to be included in Shaggy Blog Stories.
The "blog stunt", as its creator calls it, is a compliation of comic pieces by 99 of the best UK bloggers ... and one by me. All proceeds from the book are being donated to BBC's Comic Relief charity appeal.
Congratulations, Bob. So what do you need me to do?
BUY LOTS OF COPIES!! You never know when you'll need a handy gift, or a laugh in the loo, or even a door stop.
Thanks to Mike for thinking me funny (that's two people now, him and my mom) and including me in the mix. He put the thing together in one week, which is really quite an amazing feat. More details are here.
Have you bought the book yet? Go. Go on ...
Shaggy Blog Stories,
Red Nose Day,
Comic Relief,