Livng on the Edge
I dropped into The Edge last night for a social event put on by Fortune & Friends, for "just the one." Normally I don't enjoy being solo* at mixer events, but I thought I might recognize some of the guys from the F&F creative writing workshop I went to a few months back. Also, the guys behind Fortune & Friends are quite lovely and I've spoken with them about co-branding a Life Clubs with them.
Turns out it was a relatively small crowd, and everyone was really friendly ... a fine testament to anybody who might be interested in one of their workshops. And then Eduardo and Nick showed up and ... *poof* ... it 11:30pm and I'm home with a very spicy curry take away.
Assimilation is mine.
Anyway, I had a good chat with the event's photographer, who's German, and looked like an odd mix of a young Kevin Bacon and my brother-in-law. He's also a teacher, but his classroom is the cockpit of a glider. I'm pretty sure I want to take flying lessons now. How cool would that be?
Whoosh ...
*Solo on the 15-year mark? Not to worry, L's out of town on business. And the proper "anniversary" isn't really until the 28th (we only met on the 21st, and being civilised folk, didn't start the relationship till a week later) and is being celebrated by a couple weeks on a boat in the Baltic, starting the end of next week.