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Greetings from Bergen

bergen_bryggen.jpgAnd that's not Bergen County, New Jersey.

Oh no, we're in sunny Bergen Norway. It's a place where it's supposed to rain 270 or so days of the year, but today is featuring bright blue skies and shirtless Vikings. Nice.

I've acquired a new pet seal, whose name is Peer (a shout out to the Ibsen scholars), and I'm sure I'll be leaving with a troll or two.

Hey, quit talking about Larry like that.

We were wicked delayed last night, what with equipment problems and the Bergen-esque weather in London (and I'm sure all the terror alerts didn't help either -- I do hope everybody's okay back there). By the time we got to the hotel, 1am local time, it was still twilight. Fantastic.

Happy Canada Day to all of those north of the 42nd parallel, eh.

I wonder if I'll have reindeer for dinner tonight. It's on special at the restaurant we've booked.