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Extra! Extra! Read All About It

A few tidbits to share ...

  • Tales of the Decongested has selected one of my short pieces for their December reading. If you can, pop over Foyles on Charing Cross Road next Friday, December 14 at 7pm for a glass of wine and some short fiction.

  • Bob's Yer Uncle has been nominated for Best UK GLBT Blog in the 2007 GLBT Verve Awards. I'm honored, especially since I'm in wonderful company and this is my second year of being nominated in this category. So go over there and vote for me (please) so I don't have to go all "always a bridesmaid" on you. And while you're there, why not give Sticky Crows some voting love ... the always charming (and consummate Scrabbler) Tornwordo is nominated for Best Canadian Blog.


  • Speaking of the northern neighbors, a certain Canadian who is near and dear to our hearts resigned today from his place of employment, after 20+ years of service. After much shrewd negotiation, several consultations with a Magic 8-Ball, and the tossing of a few entrail-covered chicken bones, he's decided to move on to greener pastures. A huge change, eh, and one that will no doubt make the new year full of even more adventures for both of us (and we most definitely will be staying in the city for the foreseeable future — in fact, you might say we're bullish on London). I'm psyched for him. Bring on the garden leave.

That's all for now, but there are still some irons in the fire we're not talking about.