Messages — Theirs, Mine and (now) Ours
As some of you know, I spent a good deal of November writing 300-word stories for the Your Messages project, which is an offshoot of Sarah Salway and Lynne Rees' Messages (the book that inspired my Tuesday 200s some 70-odd weeks ago).
To celebrate the launch of a new edition of Messages, Sarah and Lynne invited the world to contribute 300-word responses to thirty of their favorite pieces from the book. The guidelines are over here if you're interested.
Bottom line, one of my pieces made the cut, and come January, will be in a book published by Bluechrome and sold for charity.
Yay me. And yay for everyone else whose work got selected as well. The entire process was a great creative exercise. I especially enjoyed having to turn something around within 24 hours, call it "finished" and then start something new the next day. There were some amazing contributions, and I'm well pleased to be part of it all.
In other writerly news, last night's reading at Tales of the Decongested went well. I heard some great stories and found new authors to stalk. Thanks to everyone who came to listen.
Okay then, off to find warm clothes to pack for tomorrow's trip. Apparently we're flying into a blizzard or something and I have a feeling we're going to be stranded in Chicago tomorrow on our way to Toronto. The bright side (there's always a bright side, eh?) is that it's not the weekend before Christmas, so it won't be quite as crazy with stressed-out holiday travelers.
Tuesday 200, fiction, Your Messages, Sarah Salway, Lynne Rees, tales of the decongested