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Stabbed with Words

We're having a typical Sunday morning of coffee and newspaper reading, switching back and forth between BBC and Sky, hearing about all the stabbings and knife crime, and being a little entertained how eager everyone is to bury Mrs Thatcher.

Larry's thumbing through the The Observer and comes across an article about bloggers and says, "Why can't you write a blog like these, one that gets into the papers and makes me proud of you?"

So now I'm thinking about registering some new domain names ...

  • www.wordshurttoo.com

  • www.conditionallove.com

  • www.nevergoodenough.com

  • www.fuckyouimhappywithmydrivel.com

  • www.bankersarentallthat.com

  • www.wheredidIputthatknife.com

He says he means well. I say he's just well mean.

Ah, love's a funny thing.

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