Out of the (music) loop
Started teaching a new online class that went live this morning. One of the icebreaker tasks is to post your top five anything.
One of the students posted her top five albums:
1. Pink Martini: Hang on Little Tomato - an eclectic mix of music from various countries and a stunning line-up of musicians lead by China Forbes (their other albums are just as good)2. Mr McFall's Chamber: Like the Milk - I used to go and watch this group in my student days in Edinburgh. They're classical musicians from the Scottish Chamber Orchestra who get together with undiscovered local people to create fantastic music. The lead singer on this particular album is a guy that used to help cart all the instruments around (including piano) during concerts.
3. Farinelli: Il Castrato - not as painful as it sounds, if you like opera that is. It's a 1990's soundtrack to the film of the same name.
4. Benabar: Bon anniversaire - I'm trying to improve my French at the moment and I love the quirky and amusing lyrics on his latest album.
5. Eddi Reader: the Songs of Robert Burns - I first heard this in a local shop and immediately fell in love with Eddi's voice. Some good old favourites, like 'Charlie is my Darling', but with a twist!
I don't know any of these (and contrary to popular belief, I listen to more than rock-chick pop* and showtunes**) — am I old or just out of the loop. Heading to Spotify shortly to get some edumacation.
* Hi P!ink! Hi Kelly! No thanks, GaGa.
** Book of Mormon on HEAVYYYYYYYY rotation right now, but only because I've seen it — you're not allowed to ruin the show by listening before you go to watch it live.